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🗾TYBNB舉辦的日本旅人KOL 招募計劃開始啦!🌟


1️⃣ 按讚我們的IG招募貼文和分享到你的IG限時動態,並標註 @ty_bnb_hk。

2️⃣ 追蹤我們的IG專頁 @ty_bnb_hk,不要錯過最新的旅遊資訊和精彩活動。

3️⃣ 在我們的官網活動網頁和IG簡介中有申請表格的鏈接。請填寫申請表格,讓我們可以更好地認識你的旅遊經驗和分享才能。









1. 活動報名截止日期為2023年11月30日。在截止日期之後提交的報名將不被考慮
2. 活動開放給年滿18歲且符合法定年齡的個人參與

3. 提交的個人資料如有錯漏或不正確,導致無法聯絡或驗證身份,將取消其資格

4.  招募成功者若因任何原因未能在限定期限內領取民宿體驗,將視為自動放棄,不提供任何補償

5. 我們於1月前在TY BNB 官網公佈5名得獎者 (確實日期會在報名完結後1星期公佈)
6. 入住日期可選擇從2024年4月至9月之間的任何7天,但需要提前60日與我們確認可用日期
7. 本次活動不包括民宿的清潔費,得獎者需要自行承擔入住期間產生的民宿清潔費用
8. 住宿的最大入住人數為6人
9. 招募成功者需要在體驗民宿後需要在YouTube上發佈一則影片介紹民宿及本網站,并且需要在Facebook/IG 發佈一則貼文關於民宿使用感以及介紹本網站,并且需要標示本公司的instegram 
10.  如有任何爭議,東日日本物業顧問將保留最終決定權
11. 本公司能夠使用我們贊助招募成功者的影片作任何商業用途
Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu是由知名房地產開發商東日物業興建的項目。每間住宅樓高兩層,建築面積介於627至869平方呎之間,提供舒適的居住空間。這個社區鄰近Grand Hirafu滑雪場和享有盛譽的The Park Hyatt Niseko酒店,位置優越。
Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu成為理想的度假住宿選擇,讓遊客能夠輕鬆享受滑雪活動並探索當地的美食文化。這個社區不僅能滿足追求冒險刺激的遊客,也為渴望放鬆身心的遊客提供了多樣化的選擇。不論您是追求滑雪樂趣、品味美食還是享受自然風光,Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu都能夠滿足您的期望,為您帶來一個難忘的度假體驗。

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The deadline for event registration is November 31, 2023. Registrations submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  2. The event is open to individuals who are 18 years of age or older and meet the legal age requirements.
  3. If the submitted personal information is incorrect or incomplete, resulting in the inability to contact or verify the identity, the qualification will be canceled
  4. Successful recruits who fail to redeem their vacation rental experience within the specified timeframe will be considered as forfeiting the prize and will not be provided with any compensation.
  5. We will announce the 5  successful recruits on the TY BNB official website before January (the exact date will be announced one week after the registration ends).
  6. The check-in date can be selected for any 7 days between April and September 2024, but confirmation of available dates must be made 60 days in advance.
  7. This event does not include the cleaning fee for the vacation rental. The winners will be responsible for the cleaning fee incurred during their stay.
  8. The maximum occupancy for the accommodation is 6 people.
  9. Successful recruits are required to publish a video on YouTube introducing the vacation rental and our website. They also need to post an article on Facebook/Instagram about their experience using the vacation rental and introduce our website, tagging our company’s Instagram account.
  10.  In the event of any dispute, TY Property Development Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.
  11. The company is permitted to use the videos created by the successful recruits sponsored by us for any commercial purposes.

Accommodation Information:
Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu is a development project by renowned real estate developer Toh Nichi Property. Each residential unit consists of two floors with a built-up area ranging from 627 to 869 square feet, providing comfortable living spaces. This community is located near the Grand Hirafu ski resort and the prestigious Park Hyatt Niseko hotel, offering a prime location.
It takes only a 4-minute drive from the community to Hirafu Crossroads and a 10-minute drive to Kutchan Station, providing convenient transportation for visitors. Additionally, the surrounding area boasts beautiful scenery and is in close proximity to supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and large hot springs, catering to various needs of visitors.
Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu is an ideal choice for vacation accommodation, allowing visitors to easily enjoy skiing activities and explore the local culinary culture. This community caters to adventurous guests seeking excitement as well as those yearning for relaxation. Whether you seek skiing thrills, gastronomic delights, or a scenic getaway, Queens Park CK Village Niseko Hirafu will meet your expectations and provide an unforgettable holiday experience.

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